Hi, you have reached the website of Kristian Holm, a librarian working with logistics in the retail industry. Currently employed to handle inbound deviations at Educated at Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus as a librarian with spesiality in kunnskapsorganisering og gjenfinning (English translation: "knowledge organization and retrieval").
I´m an Emacs entusiast, GTD practitioner, librarian and logisticsoperator.
Emacs entusiast
GNU Emacs is the editor I choose to learn when I started to learn about UNIX-like computer operatingsystems. I really like the ability to use GNU Emacs both on the desktop, in the console and over SSH on remote computers. And in this respect, I also have a soft spot in my heart for Free Software.
GNU Emacs is a powerfull and complex tool, which was initially released in march of 1985. Over the years the program have developed into what the tagline describes as "the extensible self-documenting text editor".
GTD practitioner
I started using the Getting Things Done methodology a while back after bying the book Getting Things Done: How to achieve stress-free productivity by David Allen. The act of writing down thoughts and reviewing whats important and what to do, have served me well. Even though I'm still just a student of GTD, I belive I can use it to develop myself as a professional in whatever field I choose to apply it in.
I am educated as a librarian at Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. As a person I am fond of systems and organizing, so I felt it was natural to learn about indexing, retreival, searching and organization. Much of what I have learned as a librarian, I find I can apply to many different scenarios both at work and at home.
There is also a great deal of knowlegde and skill available at other professions that I would loved to have learned as a part of my education and training.
- Project planning and execution
- More Web programming and different kind of markup languages
- Search and search related technologies
Purchase and logistics coordinator
My current occupation is at the Nordic ecommerce company, as a Purchase and Logistics coordinator in a purchase group.
Most of my daily work centers around using SAP ERP and Microsft Outlook for handling goods movement inbound to our organisation.
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